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Writing Space

Congratulations You have finished the creative writing tutorial and can now practice writing stories

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Let’s write a story!

Choose from the prompts below

Prompt #1

You are flying your new drone with your friends; it suddenly loses power and crashes into the yard of an old, abandoned house. No one has been brave enough to enter the property for years.

Write and exciting story about how you got back your drone.

You may include details about:
How you got the drone
The appearance of the abandoned house
How you felt throughout the experience.

Remember to use rich descriptions, figurative language and dialogue.

Prompt 1

Prompt #2

You are walking alone one afternoon, and you encounter a vicious looking strange dog. The dog sees you and starts coming towards you…

Write an exciting story about what happens next.

You may include details about:
Where you were and what you were doing
The appearance and behaviour of the dog
How you reacted to the dog.

Remember to use rich descriptions, figurative language and dialogue.

Prompt 2

Prompt #3

You awoke one morning to find your favourite comic book hero in your room asking for your help. As you listen to your hero you realise that you also have superpowers.

Write an exciting story about what happens next.

You may include details about:
What superpowers you have
What help did your comic book hero need
How your experience ended

Remember to use rich descriptions, figurative language and dialogue.

Prompt 3