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Narrative writing has characters

Please watch the video

A character is a person, animal, creature or thing in a story. Characters keep the story’s plot line moving through their words and actions.

Characters are an important part of any story.

Well developed characters bring a story to life, you can not write a story without characters.
For our level of story writing we will focus on two types of characters:
Main characters and secondary characters

Main characters

Main characters are the most important characters in a story. Main characters have the most influence on a story’s plot line.

Secondary characters

A secondary character helps make a story complete. Secondary characters help the progression of the story’s plot line.

Characters must be properly developed

Please watch the video

Character must be properly developed through description, dialogue and action

Describing a character

Give your character a name. What does your character look like. What are some traits of your character:- is he brave? Or does he like to lie?


Dialogue are words spoken by characters. Dialogue should be brief, however, dialogue should reveal information about the character:- what she is thinking, how she feels and what is her motive for doing something.


The actions taken by a character should tell the reader something about the character’s personality, traits and motivations.

Please watch this video as a review on ways to develop a character

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