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Plot of a Story

The plot relates to the events that happen or the action in a story. The plot includes the order in which the events occur as well as how events are related to each other. Many times the plot is a problem that the main character has to solve. 

In a story the plot is developed in a particular order. Please view the video.

Let’s examine the plot line in detail.


The beginning of the story, where the characters and settings are introduced to the reader

Rising Action

This is where the problem is introduced for the characters to solve. A series of events then enfold that complicates the situation for the characters. This causes rising drama or suspense in the story.


It the point of a story where everything changes and the reader does not know what will happen next. The main character has to make a big decision that can mean either winning or losing.

Falling Action

These are the events that unfold after the climax. The problem, in the story, is starting to be solved by the characters, leading to the end of the story.


The end of the story, where the problem is fully resolved (or not resolved, if it is a trick ending.) The resolution is also called the denouement, catastrophe, or revelation.