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On this page you will learn about similes.

What are Similes?

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two things. When comparing, similes use words such as: like, as, so, than.

Example: as blind as a bat

Here are some common Similes

As stubborn as a mule
Slept like a log
Sly as a fox
Fits like a glove
Cool as a cucumber
Blind as a bat
Light as a feather
As strong as an ox
Like watching paint dry
As sharp as a razor
As slow as molasses
As quiet as a church mouse
Old as the hills
Pretty as a picture
As quick as lightning
As timid as a rabbit
Fight like cats and dogs
Sparkle like diamonds
Cheeks like roses
Flat as a pancake
As sick as a dog
Sweet as sugar
As proud as a peacock
Bright as the sun
Tough as nails
Smart as a whip
As wise as an owl
Happy as a clam

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