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To start the creative writing tutorial, click on start tutorial on the homepage. If you have completed the tutorial, click on writing practice

Let’s start with the basics!

Parts of a Story

On this page you will learn about the parts of a story: – beginning, middle and end. You will also learn about the elements of a story: – characters, setting and plot.

Now let’s look at each part of a story in more detail.

Narrative Story Writing Tutorial

Learn more about the following parts of a story before you attempt writing your own story

In the Beginning of the Story

Introduce the main character and the setting of the story.

In the Middle of the story

This is where the plot is developed. The main character is faced with a conflict or problem to solve. This reaches to a climax.

In the End of the story

The problem is resolved, the tension falls.

Learn more about what to include in a story

Next we learn about Figurative Language

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