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To start the creative writing tutorial, click on start tutorial on the homepage. If you have completed the tutorial, click on writing practice

Welcome to Write a Story

This website is design to assist students in writing interesting short stories

Click on the link below to learn why story writing is important

Why write stories

Welcome to my creative writing website

How to navigate this website

This website has two sections

Creative writing tutorial

In this section you will learn about the parts and elements that make up a narrative short story. You will also learn about characters, setting and plot development. You will also learn about figurative language that make stories interesting to read.

Start Tutorial

Story writing practice activity

After going through the tutorial, I am sure you would like to try your hand at writing a short story. This sections has 3 story writing prompts. when you have finished with your story submit it for review. You will receive helpful suggestions to improve your writing skills.

Writing Practice